Post Production

Post-production is part of the process of filmmaking, video production, audio production, and photography. Post-production includes all stages of production occurring after principle photography or recording individual program segments.

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What are the Phases of Production

Phase #1 - Development

Before a film can get started, it needs to go through the “development” phase. This phase includes the creation, writing, organizing and planning of a film project. The budget must be set, cast goes through auditions, the location is decided, and multiple scripts are written. Many times, writers and directors create storyboards to entice producers to finance the film. When in development, a film has the prospect of being made, but nothing is certain. There’s no guarantee that a film’s development period won’t be prolonged, often resulting in the project’s cancellation or indefinite hiatus. A film studio will need to work out logistics.

Phase #2: Pre-Production

Once a film or digital media has gotten out of development, it’s not quite time to start filming. Although that day is getting ever-closer, there first needs to be a pre-production phase. While cameras are not yet rolling, pre-production can be just as intense as the filming itself. During the pre-production period, filmmakers need to know where they’re able to sho ot, who will be in their film, how much their budget will end up being, and what changes might need to be made. They also need to have crew members lined up, sets and costumes created, and work with local cities for cooperation to film in different parts of town.

Phase #3: Production

At long last, the film is ready roll. Production is the quickest, and sometimes the shortest portion of filmmaking and digital media production. How long it takes to film depends on variables like the number of locations, the length of the film, and if any key members, such as leads, are off set for any portion of the filming. As challenging as development and pre-production can be, production itself can be even more challenging. With high-profile films, reports of a bad production can sully a film’s reputation before anyone has even seen it.

Phase #4: Post-Production

If someone saw a rough cut of a special effects-heavy blockbuster with no post-production additions, they wouldn’t be all that excited. The audience would be confused about why it looks so weird, without music or effects. Post-production is when the footage is edited, visual effects are added, music is composed, and titles are finalized. For footage to become a film or digital media, it needs to go through a successful post-production phase. Editing is one of the most important parts of making a film, but it’s easy to overlook. Editors need to create a pace for the film.

Phase #5: Distribution

With so many different mediums, such as movie theaters, television, home video, digital media and streaming, there are various distribution possibilities. What kind of distribution a film gets can depend on its quality and the pull of the filmmaker or studio. Getting a film or digital media made doesn’t guarantee its distribution however it is imperative for filmmakers, because distribution is required for a film to make a profit. The better distribution a film or digital media receives the more it can hope to make.

Production Technologies

Graphic/Web Design Tools


Adobe Xd




Corel Draw

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