Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

A full-featured and Custom CRM Development ServicesΒ helps to cover various customer touchpoints and offers customized functionalities that match your business requirements. At DBN, we design, develop and help you to implement a complete CRM platform that is tailored just for you.

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Why choose DBN for your CRM services?

Better Managing Customer Records

Every customer interaction is documented and recorded. Efficient way to manage the records.

Improved Lead Management

The customer contacts, client's preferences, past purchases, and different details are available to see on the CRM.

Extended Productivity

Recording all client and merchandise data in one system makes everyone to do their jobs efficiently and saves time.

Extended Productivity

Sales people's methods such as filling out forms, raising legal issues, reports generation get automated.

Evaluation and Reports

Diverse tools and plugins of CRM allow organizations to inspect sales, customer interactions, conversions and so on.


We offer you a cost-effective solution as we strive to develop a value-driven CRM software which can show measurable benefits for your business.

CRM Process









Media & Entertainment

Why choose us?

We are a bootstrapped company that understands the needs of our clients and helps them grow.

Transparent Process

We involve you in every stage of the app development journey so that you can take better decisions.

Milestone Payments

A flexible milestone payment system enables you to pay at the time of each release, which we deliver every 15 days.

Reliable Quality

We deliver 100% qualified products which pass several quality checks and rigorous testing

Built by experts

Your product will be crafted by experts who are veterans in their specific domains.